Treaty 7 Territory Land Acknowledgements
In the spirit of respect, reciprocity, and truth, Cordeeple honors and acknowledges Moh’kinsstis and the traditional Treaty 7 territory. We recognize the oral practices of the Blackfoot Confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, as well as the Iyarhe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina nations. We acknowledge the Otipemisiwak Métis Government of the Métis Nation within Alberta District 6 within this territory. Finally, we extend our acknowledgment to all Nations – Indigenous and non-Indigenous – who reside, work, and enjoy this land, honoring and celebrating its significance.
This sacred gathering place offers us the chance to lead and engage in reconciliation efforts. We appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm in joining our team on the lands of Treaty 7 territory.
Learn more about land acknowledgement and the Indigenous lands where you reside: